Sugared Lemon


A Guide to Elegance by Genevieve Antoine Dariaux

A Guide to EleganceI must admit that I have a thing for books about the French and in particular, the French women’s approach to style and life. Times and fashion have changed since style connoisseur Genevieve Antoine Dariaux wrote and published this book in 1964 but most of the guidance still holds true today. The re-released book takes a close look at the essence of elegance and discusses more than just timeless fashion. Entries include a guide to luncheons, public appearance, weddings, originality, travel and a myriad of fashion advice. Audrey Hepburn once said, “Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.” I love that quote because of how much I agree with it. Elegance is not something that comes to those that can afford expensieive things and that have a great sense of fashion. True elegance comes from the way you treat and talk to all people, your speech and the things that you have to talk about, the way you act in a myriad of situations, what you do with the life you have been given and so forth. I love the fancier things in life but I would much rather be remembered as someone who has values and is happy to stand up for those values.