Beach sweaters and bow shorts!
Happy weekend my lovely and sweet friends! I seriously cannot believe we’re a week into August already! My sister in Maine referred to the summer as “winding down” earlier this week and I almost shed a little tear. Usually I’m in Kennebunk ME visiting her and my nieces on the breezy, nautical coast. Thanks to COVID-19 we’re stuck here in 100 degree weather trying to make the best of it. This year I’m not sad to see summer go because it means we’re that much closer to our new house being finished! Hopefully it will be move-in ready by the end of October. For now, you will find me by our apartment pool, which rarely has other people in it, soaking up the vitamin D. I don’t know about you but I don’t like to prance around in my swimsuit when I get out of the pool. Instead I opt for a pair of lightweight linen bow shorts and a beach sweater.
How are you staying cool and sane right now?
Have a lovely and sweet day,
~Kathryn, The Sugared Lemon